December Birthdays

Here’s a list of authors and illustrators as well as a few famous people with birthdays in December. You can find more famost people at or the birthday calendar from Perma Bound. 1 Jan Brett, author 2 David Macaulay, author 3 Barbara Brooks Wallace, author 4 Munro Leaf, author 5 Jim Kjelgaard, author 5 Harve… More December Birthdays

December 2020

Here’s the list of monthly recognitions, weekly celebrations, wacky and crazy daily celebrations for this month. Watch for a list of birthdays soon. Feel free to adapt the list below to meet your needs. If you want to look at other lists, I have used Holiday Insights and National Day Calendar as well as calendars I receive from publishers.… More December 2020

Christmas Planning

You know the closer we get to Christmas break the more “squirrelly” the kids will be. So if you don’t want to do a skills lesson, which they won’t pay attention to anyway; you’ve got to have an activity of some sort to keep them engaged. I’ve done come searching and have come up with… More Christmas Planning

Christmas Books

I love Christmas books. If your teachers are like mine, they will soon be asking for Christmas titles to share with their students if they haven’t already asked. Here are links to some I have reviewed on Library Lady’s Kid Lit along with affiliate links if you’d like to purchase them at Amazon. Alcott, Louisa… More Christmas Books

Thanksgiving Books

As Thanksgiving approaches you probably hear, “What books can I read to my students?” Here are some of the Thanksgiving books I had in the library when I was still in the school. A couple of them are oldies but goodies. I think they are all still available through Amazon although some may only be… More Thanksgiving Books

November Birthdays

Here’s a list of authors and illustrators as well as a few famous people with birthdays in November. You can find more famost people at November 2, 1734- Daniel Boone, Kentucky frontiersman November 2, 1755- Marie Antoinette, queen of France November 2, 1795- James K. Polk, 11th U.S. President (1845-1849) November 2, 1865- Warren G. Harding,… More November Birthdays

November 2020

Here’s the list of monthly recognitions, weekly celebrations, wacky and crazy daily celebrations for this month. Watch for a list of birthdays in a couple of days. Feel free to adapt the list below to meet your needs. If you want to look at other lists, I have used Holiday Insights and National Day Calendar as well as calendars… More November 2020