Learning Native American Culture Through Children’s Literature – Navajo

My column today deals with learning native American culture of the Navajo.  The Navajo are one of the largest tribes in North America.  Their reservation is about the size of West Virginia and lies in Utah, Arizona and New Mexico.  My favorite from this list of books is The Goat in the Rug.  My husband… More Learning Native American Culture Through Children’s Literature – Navajo

Learning Native American Culture Through Children’s Literature – Arctic and Sub-arctic

We are continuing looking at how learning Native American culture through children’s literature is possible. School librarians serve as a resource for the teachers and students we work with. In How to Teach About American Indians, author Karen Harvey addresses some of the roles of the school librarian in regards to Native American literature. We… More Learning Native American Culture Through Children’s Literature – Arctic and Sub-arctic

Learning Native American Culture Through Children’s Literature – Indians of the Northeast

We are continuing the series of posts about Learning Native American Culture. The Indians of the Northeast (Maine to Virginia and west to Minnesota) are the ones the early American settlers came into contact with.  As librarians we must ensure that our patrons move beyond the Disney stereotype portrayed in Pocahontas. Disney abandoned historical accuracy… More Learning Native American Culture Through Children’s Literature – Indians of the Northeast

Learning Native American Culture Through Children’s Literature – Plains Indians

November is Native American Month. Today we are beginning a series where I look at books about different Native American cultures. This series was originally published in Christian Library Journal. I spent 20 years on the Navajo Reservation and this topic is one I am passionate about. No matter our culture of origin, we can… More Learning Native American Culture Through Children’s Literature – Plains Indians

Children’s Easter Books

Easter isn’t too far away. Are you still looking for some children’s Easter books to add to your library? Links in this post may be affiliate links. Purchases made using these links will not cost you more but may pay me an affiliate fee. Thanks for using my links. I previously shared a list of… More Children’s Easter Books

Friday Finds – Valentine’s Day Products for your Library

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Do you have Valentine’s Day bookmarks for your kiddos? Have you started decorating your library yet? Today we are going to look at some Valentine’s Day products that can help you fill those needs. Links in this post may be affiliate links. Purchases made using these links will… More Friday Finds – Valentine’s Day Products for your Library