Library Lady

Week by Week – Week 32


It was book fair week – in some respects an easy week. Classes visit – we read from one or two of the book fair books – the students check out books – students visit fair to decide how much money they want to ask their parents for.

In other respects the week isn’t so easy. The kids like to come at lunch time to make their purchases – this means I don’t get as much time to sit while eating my lunch. It also means a night at school so that the fair can be open before and after the elementary program. When you have internet issues during the time after the program with dozens of people in line. stress levels rise – thankfully we have patient parents and one of my helpers was able to fix the internet problem.

So thankful for i55 Fundraising – they provide a great fair with selections that appeal to my kiddos and their parents. If you are interested in seeing what products we had at our Fair you can see recordings of my Facebook lives here and here. We are looking forward to over $800 in new books added to our library as a result of this Book Fair!

Just two weeks left with the kiddos. We’ll spend time reviewing and reading some favorites. The kids have one more week to check out books and then all books will be due so that we can start inventory.

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