Library Lady

Week by Week – Week 29

First week after spring break – so I made it an easy one. Our focus from the “littles” through fourth grade was the Land of Enchantment Book Award. If you aren’t in New Mexico, I’m sure your state has a Children’s Choice Award you can participate in.

With the “littles” through second grade we read books from the Roadrunner list. After discussing the concept of children’s choosing books to win an award, we moved to story time. The two books for this week were Charlotte and the Rock and I Just Want to Say Goodnight.We had the younger kiddos draw pictures from the story as their activity. Second grade has a little longer class period so we had time for our final Digital Citizenship lesson on email.

With the third and fourth graders we also had a discussion of the Land of Enchantment Award. I had a lesson planned for these classes but the books we read to them are longer and their ended up not being time for a lesson. I think sometimes it is good to just read to the kiddos and help develop a love for books. Our books for this age group were from the Coyote list – Ada Lovelace and Seven and a Half Tons of Steel. 

I am serving on the Street Team for Karen Kingsbury’s new children’s book Best Family Ever. As part of being on the Street Team, I agreed to read the book to at least one of my classes. We have been doing that with the fifth grade. It is a longer book and the end of library times is approaching, we decided to just read to the fifth graders this past week. Again, this was a nice change from the lesson format. 

Fifth grade visited a second time to start their fourth quarter “Internet Exploration” project. For this quarter the teacher has developed a list of 40+ men and women in the fields of STEM. This week the student were given a short list of web sites to visit and challenged to find: Name, Occupation, Gender, Nationality, Field of study, and Contribution. They were allowed to work in small groups if they wanted to and had to report their findings on a padlet set up for this purpose. Next week the teacher will explain the next step of the project.

When you find a book on Library Lady that you would like to purchase, I hope you will use the purchase links provided. When you make a purchase through our affiliate links, you support this school librarian blog. I am grateful for you. Thank you!

I Just Want to Say Good Night

Charlotte and the Rock

Ada Lovelace, Poet of Science: The First Computer Programmer

Seven and a Half of Tons of Steel

Best Family Ever (A Baxter Family Children Story)

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