I don’t know what your week was like but mine was a bit challenging. With the time change, high winds, and colder than normal temperatures, everyone at school seemed a little off. One of my “littles” who has been at school all year asked me three times what my name is.
Speaking of my littles I read two books to them this week – Charlie Cook’s Favorite Book and the dot. We talked about the fact that anyone can be an artist and then I gave them a page from the RIF teacher’s guide for the book which encourages them to draw a dot.
I read One Boy and Make Way for Ducklings with my kinder kids. I have a Scholastic DVD with Make Way for Ducklings and other titles so I actually showed that instead of reading the book to them. For our activity I had created sets of the ducklings names on card stock which groups of students placed in alphabetical order after book check out.
One of my childhood favorites was the book for the first graders – Sam and the Firefly. Before the students arrived, I placed a stack of books on each table. Each stack had both fiction and non fiction titles in it. I tried to make sure that the books in the stacks were either obviously fiction or obviously non fiction. Each student had a worksheet I had gotten free from TeachersPayTeachers. The students had to pick one fiction book from the stack and write the title in the correct blank on their worksheet and then do the same thing with a non fiction book.
Our second grade library time started with a reading from The Chocolate Touch. For our lesson we continued work on the information found on the title page. I had them complete a worksheet from Teaching Library Media Skills in Grades K-6.

We continued our work on Almanacs in grades three and five after our story time. With the third graders I read from Mary Poppins. I am participating in the Street Team for Best Family Ever so I am reading about a chapter a week from that book to the fifth graders before our lesson.
I read from Mary Poppins to the fourth graders as well. We continued our work with the Dewey Decimal System. I found a memory game in Dewey & The Decimals: Learning Games & Activities. Next time I teach this concept I will start with this memory game to help the students learn the Dewey Decimal System before we do worksheets which require a better knowledge of the DDS.
For extra classes – I had the fifth grade several times. The Friday before Spring Break is their big “Sea Day” so I had them in the library researching for their projects. The teacher also set up an after school work session for students who still needed to finish their Ancient Africa projects. Finally they were in the library on Friday to present their findings from their Internet Mysteries projects which they have been working on most of the quarter.
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Caldecott Favorites Featuring The Snowy Day –contains Make Way for Ducklings and other stories
Teaching Library Media Skills in Grades K-6: A How-To-Do-It Manual and CD-ROM
Best Family Ever (A Baxter Family Children Story)