Library Lady

Week by Week Series – Week 9

It was another week in the library – thankfully this was a short week for us. We had parent teacher conferences on Thursday and no school on Friday so I only had three days with the kiddos. On Thursday evening we hosted a FAFSA workshop with our local college – NMSU. They sent a couple of counselors over and they worked with our parents to prepare their FAFSA applications.

With my kinder kiddos we worked on matching the Easy call letters to the author of a book. I sat on the floor with the students and with their help, I completed the Easy call letter match up found in my TpT store. This really is advanced for the kinder level so I sat on the floor with the students and asked them questions to help them understand how the match ups happen. For our story time we read Drummer Hoff and Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. 

First graders started on fiction vs. non fiction. We talked about the difference between the two – I was pleasantly surprised that some of them remembered what I had taught them about this last spring. I used a couple of pages from the old LiBEARy Skills K-3 book I purchased a long time ago as a worksheet. Used copies of the book are still available on Amazon under the title Library Skills (link found below).  We also read L is for Library. 

We have been looking at call letters/numbers for a couple of weeks. This week I gave each of them a slip with title and call letters from our fiction section. The students had to find the book on the shelf, put their name on the slip, place the slip in the book, and leave it on a table for me to check. Some students needed some help finding their books on the shelf, but they are all a step closer to being able to find fiction books on their own.

We finished off our Digital Citizenship Lessons with the third through fifth graders. Third graders looked at “Whose is it Anyway?” – a lesson on citation. With fourth grade we discussed “Picture Perfect” – looking at marketing and photo-shopping. The fifth graders and I reviewed all of the digital citizenship lessons before I gave them a test.  We have now finished digital citizenship and will move on to other library topics.

Teacher Pay Teacher Links
Call Letter Match Up

Amazon Affiliate Links
Library Skills
Drummer Hoff
Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
L Is for Library

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