Library Lady

Week by Week Series – Week 28

It was the week before spring break but the kiddos didn’t seem too wild.

My week started with a visit from our ninth graders who are getting ready to start their big English research project. Every year I go over resources with them and review research strategies with them. I have a couple of pages on my library web site that we go over – there are instructional guides here and tutorials and links to resources here.

With my “littles” and kinder kids we read FrederickWe completed the comprehension page I found on Teachers Pay Teachers. With my littles I just had them color the correct boxes but I had my kinders cut out the boxes and glue the correct ones to answer the question “What did Frederick bring?”

We read Inch by Inch and Swimmy with the first graders. I created a worksheet that asked for: Title, Main Character, Setting, Problem, Solution, and Ending. As I read each story I would stop and point out the answer to each topic. Once I finished reading each story, we reviewed so that all had a chance to make sure they had the correct answers.

I started second grade library time by reading from The Case of the Choosey Cheater. Our lesson topic was the Table of Contents. I used a couple of pages from Library Media Skills in Grades K-6 to teach and reinforce this topic.

I concluded our Almanac lessons with both third and fifth grades. We completed our worksheets from Hooked on Library Skills. I found that I had to do these worksheets with the students as the answers weren’t always easy to find. I still made them work in their small groups, but I was working as well and able to direct them to the correct topic/sub topic in the index. One thing I did find was that not all of the questions had answers in each edition.

I read from May on the Way for both third and fourth grades. With the fifth graders I continued with The Best Family Ever – I am on the street team for that title so we will be reading the whole book before the end of the school year.

We did another couple of rounds of “Dewey Decimal Match” from Dewey & the Decimals with the fourth graders. My assistant and I were really surprised that we have had to teach fourth graders how to play memory.

Now for spring break – I am looking forward to a week off.

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Inch by Inch
The Case of the Choosey Cheater (Darcy J. Doyle, Daring Detective, No. 2)
Teaching Library Media Skills in Grades K-6: A How-To-Do-It Manual and CD-ROM
Hooked on Library Skills: A Sequential Activities Program for Grades K-6
The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2019
May on the Way: How I Become a K9 Spy (May the K9 Spy Book 1)
Best Family Ever (A Baxter Family Children Story)
Dewey & the Decimals: Learning Games & Activities

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