Library Lady

Week by Week Series – Week 25

How was your week? Mine was full – regular classes as well as classes visiting for research.

With my “littles” I read Verdi and Round Like a Ball before the lesson. One of my “littles” was out in “left field” this week – not disruptive but not paying attention to the story either. I don’t know about you, but when I see behavior like this, I have to report it to our SPED teacher to support what the teacher is seeing in the classroom. After story time and check out they worked on a coloring sheet which reinforced proper library behavior taken from LiBEARy Skills K-3.

Rumpelstiltskin and Curious George and the Firefighters were our story time choices for kinder this week. After story time, we completed a worksheet similar to the one last week from Teaching Library Media Skills in Grades K-6.  It reinforces the information found on the front cover. This week we just did a couple together and they were on their own for the rest. They did quite well with it.

I read one of my son’s favorite childhood stories to the first graders – Danny and the Dinosaur. After story time we reviewed last week’s lesson – information found on the front cover – title and author – with a worksheet from Teaching Library Media Skills in Grades K-6.

I introduced the second graders to the I Survived series this week. Most of them are ready for this length of book and I’m trying to get them out of the E section of the library. We talked again about the information found on a title page – title, author, illustrator, place of publication, and publisher. We also talked about the copyright date and that it is often found on the back side of the title page. After they checked out books I had a worksheet for them to complete – filling in the title page information from the book they checked out. Discovered that some of them checked out Lego books, drawing books, or origami books which did not have all the information I was asking for. Next time I will have a stack of books on the table for them to find the information in. If you’d like to get a copy of my worksheet for this activity, you can get it here when you sign up for my newsletter.

I did similar lessons with my third and fifth graders. After reading to them from a chapter book (The Tale of Despereaux for third grade and The Gollywhopper Games for fifth grade) we reviewed Almanacs. Then I had them complete worksheets from Hooked on Library Skills. With the third grade I did several of the questions with them but I expected the fifth grade to work with a partner and not ask for help. I think it frustrated the fifth graders a bit but they worked at it. I did walk around and give hints when needed but I am trying to get them to work more independently.

After listening to part of Shiloh, my fourth graders continued their work on the Dewey Decimal System. I used a worksheet I found at The Go Mom web site.

The fifth grade class came three times last week for research. The closer we get to the end of the year, the more projects the fifth grade teacher assigns. Right now the students are continuing to work on their Internet Mysteries project, they have just one more library visit to complete it and create their presentation. Just before Spring Break the fifth grade puts on a Sea Day for all of the elementary students – since we live in the desert there is a huge learning curve for some. This past week they had to research a sea animal for which they will create a poster which will be displayed on Sea Day. The fifth grade also visited the library to research Ancient African Empires. They will have one more visit to the library for this project before they have to pull their research together for a report.

Don’t forget – if you’d like to get a copy of my worksheet for this activity, you can get it here when you sign up for my newsletter.

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Round Like a Ball


Curious George and the Firefighters

Teaching Library Media Skills in Grades K-6: A How-To-Do-It Manual and CD-ROM

Danny and the Dinosaur (I Can Read Level 1)

I Survived Collector’s Toolbox (I Survived)

The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2019

The Tale of Despereaux: Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess, Some Soup, and a Spool of Thread

[ [ [ The Gollywhopper Games[ THE GOLLYWHOPPER GAMES ] By Feldman, Jody ( Author )Aug-25-2009 Paperback

Shiloh (The Shiloh Quartet)

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