With my littles, we read Green Eggs and Ham and What do You Do with a Tail Like This? I also had a coloring page for them to complete that focused on proper library behavior.
My kindergarteners and I looked at three books by Peter Spier – Noah’s Ark, The Book of Jonah, and The Star Spangled Banner. I had a Noah’s Ark coloring page for them to complete after they checked out books.
While we don’t have snow in our area, I always like to look at a Snowflake Bentley with my first graders. This year we also looked at Snowflakes in Photographs which is the collection of work by W. A. Bentley. After book check out the students made coffee filter snowflakes. A few of them had some trouble, but this class struggles with being able to follow directions which this craft involved.
With second grade we watched a You Tube video of Tony diTerlizzi during a school visit. Then we read The Spider and the Fly. We talked about the characteristics of the Spider and the Fly. I then showed them how to draw a Venn diagram and had them put the characteristics of the characters into the Venn diagram.
Because I was frustrated with the decision of the Caldecott Committee this year, I read Hello Lighthouse to my third through fifth graders and had them complete my Caldecott Criteria Questions worksheet (available by signing up for my mailing list). You can read the results of this experiment in my earlier blog post.
It was our homecoming week. I found a book character to go with each of the special days.

We only had four school days and the fourth day was Blue and Gold Day so I wore school colors. At the homecoming game, there was a reception in the library for the alumni so I helped to host that.
Items Available at Amazon
Green Eggs and Ham
What Do You Do with a Tail Like This?
Noah’s Ark (Picture Yearling Book)
The Book of Jonah
The Star-Spangled Banner (Reading Rainbow Books)
Snowflake Bentley
Snowflakes in Photographs (Dover Pictorial Archive)
Melitta 629552 8 To 12 Cup White Basket Coffee Filters 100 Count
The Spider and the Fly
Hello Lighthouse
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