Library Lady

Week by Week series – Week 18

Welcome to second semester. Our administration always tries to have a first week be a short one, so we started on Wednesday. The first day is always a little chaotic in the library – students with new independent studies, students with schedule issues who need a temporary home, etc. As first days go, this one wasn’t too bad. Unfortunately, it is looking like I won’t have a student TA this semester which makes getting all the library tasks done a little more complicated.

Most of my elementary classes are on Tuesday so they did not meet this week. I only had may K2 (first year of 2 year kinder) class visit for a regular library time. We had a story time and I asked some comprehension questions on the story before they colored a page related to the book.

Our fifth grade teacher does quite a bit of research so she has a time slot every Friday to bring the students for whichever research project they are currently working on. Did you know that January 16 is Appreciate a Dragon Day? Our fifth grade teacher has always been a fan of dragons so she really plays this day up with her students. So many different cultures have dragons as part of their myths that you have to wonder – did dragons really exist? Some of her students are quick to comment that dragons aren’t real, yet she pushes them to do the research and see what information they can find. We will be continuing this research next week Friday as well.


Here are some of the web sites she uses:

Chinese Dragons: China Highlights and Wikipedia

Anglo Saxon Dragons: University of Aberdeen (1), University of Aberdeen (2), and Wikipedia.

African Dragons: Circle of the Dragon, Mental Floss, and Survive 2012.

French Dragons: Wikipedia and

Middle Eastern Dragons: Wikipedia,, Answers in Genesis, Bible History, and Circle of the Dragon.

Norse Dragons: Broken Mirrors, The Dockyards,, and Norse Mythology for Smart People.

Dragons In the Bible: Bible Study Tools, Open Bible, and Genesis Park.

Do you do anything to “celebrate” dragons in your library or classroom? I’d love to hear what you do. Like this post and comment below to let me know.

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