Library Lady

Week by Week Series – Week 16

Things are starting to slow down and quiet down in the library. Teachers are finishing up units and starting review as it is almost exam time. I only had two extra classes this week for research and they were repeat classes so I just had to help students as needed.

With my littles through first grade I focused on reading Christmas books to them and gave them a Christmas coloring page.

Second grade worked on another lesson in Digital Citizenship from Common Sense Media.  We talked about the importance of giving titles and putting name and date on works of art as well as assignments.

Third graders have been working on Fiction “Call Numbers” and the order of books on the shelves. The students participated in a relay race I developed based on  pages 98/99 in Teaching Library Skills in Grades K-6. I will probably play this with them again and they had a hard time understanding the concept of only getting the book off the shelf that matched their “call number.” Some of the students were more focused on grabbing the book with the “right color” slip sticking out of it.

I introduced the Dewey Decimal Classification System to my fourth graders. Our focus was the 10 classes. For their assignment they had to complete a worksheet I created – matching titles to the 10 classes.

Fifth graders had a review in the difference between fiction and non fiction. After our discussion, I gave each group a stack of books without spine labels. Their job was to organize the books by fiction and non fiction. I was happy that they were all able to complete their task with minimal errors.

What happened in your library this week? Like this post and comment below to let me know.

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Teaching Library Skills in Grades K Through 6: A How to Do It Manual (How to Do It Manuals for Librarians)

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