Library Lady

Week by Week Series – Week 14

I don’t know about your students, but ours seemed to forget how to behave after just one week off. Or maybe it’s because Christmas is just around the corner.

During the break, two of my grown children came to the library with me to help decorate for Christmas. I enjoy having it Christmas-y when the students return. Christmas is definitely my favorite time of year.

I started reading Christmas books to the students this past week. We also pulled all of our Christmas books from the shelves for the teachers to choose from. I’ve shared a list of some of our Christmas books here. 

With my kinders, beside the Christmas book, we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I had a fun sequencing activity from Slide Share. The Eric Carle web site also has a coloring page I use.

My first graders also did a sequencing activity. With them I used The Grouchy Ladybug. For their activity, they had to write short sentences about the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

My second graders continued in their Digital Citizenship unit from Common Sense Media.  We discussed ABC Searching this week which ties in well with dictionary skills.

You may remember that my third graders were working on a library scavenger hunt the last two week.s Some of the students did not do well so we had a corrections week. Most of the students were able to improve their grade in this correction process. I am now more confident of their ability to use the library independently.

In fourth grade we had a review of how “call numbers” are created for fiction books. As part of this review, we used the fiction portion of the ABC Order Practice with Call Number Match Up available in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. Students also completed a workbook page from the out of print LiBEARy Skills grades 4-6 as an assessment.

My fifth graders spent their library time putting the finishing touches on their Animoto projects. Unfortunately, the teacher and I discovered after school, not all of the groups compared their project to the rubric so most will be making corrections this coming week. As they finished (or thought they did), I allowed them to go to a maker station to build.


I have also started my annual December Reading Promotion. It is always slow starting – so far fewer than 20 students have participated. I know that as the month progresses, excitement will grow.

Sign up for my mailing list and get a freebie – a document you can edit to make my Christmas promotion idea your own.

This past weekend was also the time to change our window from November to December. Have you started your countdown to Christmas break yet? We don’t get out until the 21st so it seems far away yet for us.

Have a great week. Like this post and comment below to tell me what you are doing in your library this week.

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