Library Lady

Week by Week Series – Week 12

How was your week? What fun activities did you do with your students?

At MVCS I continued working with my two kinder classes on ABC order. The very littles (first year of two year kinder program) put cards in Alphabetical order which they have done before as a group. This time they completed them by themselves. I had to help with the reading left to right concept and with a couple of forgotten letters, but for the most part they completed the work on their own.

My older kinders were put in groups with a stack of Easy to put in the order they would be found on the shelf. They then had to place one of them back on the shelf in the correct place.

First graders worked more on fiction vs. non fiction using a worksheet from LiBEARy Skills K-3. Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, we read from Thanksgiving Day at Our House and Off to Plymouth Rock

Review of plot was the second grade lesson We repeated last week’s lesson but this time they had to complete the worksheet alone. We read the Caldecott Classic The Thanksgiving Story by Alice Dalgliesh.

Had a fun lesson with  my third graders. We started a LIBRARY SCAVENGER HUNT – feel free to edit this document to fit your library. It gave the students great practice in using the catalog and finding materials on the shelves. I tried not to answer the question – Where do I find…? during this activity. They did not complete the scavenger hunt so we will finish it next time. Our stories were A Turkey for Thanksgiving and The Very First Thanksgiving Day. 

Fourth grade continued with Book Parts. This week was an introduction of the index and a review of all of the book parts. I used a couple of pages from LiBEARy Skills 4-6 as my assessment of the lesson.

Our Animoto projects are continuing in the fifth grade. We had two sessions this past week and the kiddos are well on their way toward completion. On the first session of the week, I shared my two instructional videos which I have linked to my web site along with the written instructions of what the project entails. The first is a video of how to access Flickr and the second tells how to create an Animoto video. The videos and the written instructions cut down on the amount of time I have to answer the same questions. When the students call me over my first question is always what did the video say or what does it say on your handout. By the time the second session of the week ended, I had a list of pages the students wanted to include in their presentations. I spent a couple of hours taking pictures of those pages, uploading them to my computer, editing them, and finally uploading the edited version to Flickr where the students will be able to access them the next visit.

My only “extras” this week were two class periods with Herff Jones for graduation announcements and class rings. Since my library is only has seating for 35-40, this pretty much closes the library for those periods. Does your library get used for meetings like this?

Teachers Pay Teachers links
Plot worksheet

Amazon Affiliate links to materials mentioned in this post (your purchase helps support this blog.
Library Skills: Grades 4-6 (Library Skills Activities for Grades 4-6)
Library Skills
Thanksgiving Day at Our House: Thanksgiving Poems for the Very Young
Off to Plymouth Rock Hardcover – October 7, 2004
The Thanksgiving Story
A Turkey for Thanksgiving
The Very First Thanksgiving Day

You can either use the free version of Animoto or upgrade to a Pro Level and Make a video with Getty stock! (affiliate link)

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