Library Lady

The Day Before Spring Break

It’s the day before Spring Break at our school in addition to being the last day of the quarter. Some of my independent study students either left early for the break or are on a baseball trip, so I didn’t have some of my “regulars.” So, I was expecting a quiet day in the library but it has been quite busy.

I’ve had students in to print papers.

Students in to take tests.

 I was even surprised by students who came to work on projects not due until after the break – happy to see but that doesn’t happen very often.

Teachers in to grade papers and get grades uploaded so that they don’t have to worry about it over the break.

Choir met in the library today.  They have no desks and the chairs from the room are in the gym for the school play. They had a performance earlier this week so the director wanted to give them a fun day. So they came to the library to use the tables to play games.

I even had cast members from the play come to take naps because they are exhausted and have yet one more performance tonight.

What does the day before a break look like for you?

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