Library Lady

Story time: Syd Hoff

Our Syd Hoff story time used the following books:

Danny and the Dinosaur

Duncan the Dancing Duck


Sammy, the Seal

I planned the activities for this story time during the school year so that I could have my student aides do the cutting for me ahead of time. I planned at least one activity to go with each story.

For Danny and the Dinosaur we planned Dinosaur hats for the students to make. I got the idea from Chipman’s Preschool Corner.  I had my aides cut out all the parts and make up kits for each student. Doing this so far ahead of time does pose a problem with how many to make but my experience has shown me that I rarely have more than 6. I planned for 10 to be on the safe side and ended up with 5 kiddos.

There is a cute YouTube video produced by Kids Drawing with Mr. Z – How to draw and color a baby duck -for kids! I showed this video once having the kiddos watch it all the way through. I then re-started it and showed a little at a time allowing the students time to draw what had been shown so far. I have used this technique numerous times with how to draw videos and found it to be very successful.

I found an activity pack on Teachers Pay Teachers for the book Julius. The packet costs $1 but is worth this minimal cost. It includes a matching game, a sorting activity, and a story sequence activity. Some of the younger kiddos needed help with these activities but we worked on them as a group.

For Sammy the Seal I found a cute idea online but no pattern for it. I used the picture I found online and created my own pattern free-hand. All you need is a circle and two legs cut out of brown. You can glue the parts on a lunch bag the way we did to make a bag which stands up. You may also be able to place the parts differently on the bag to make a puppet.



If you’d like to purchase any of the books used for this Syd Hoff story time, the following are available from Amazon. Thanks for using my affiliate link which doesn’t cost you more but does help support this school library blog.

Danny and the Dinosaur (I Can Read Level 1)
Duncan the Dancing Duck
Julius (An I Can Read Book)
Sammy the Seal

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