Library Lady

Shape Up Game


I try to make learning library skills fun for the students. They are only with me 40 minutes a week and I don’t always want to be a lecture/worksheet machine. I want learning to be fun. I found that the students enjoy this game and ask to play it again and again. I found this game on page 39 in an old book I have – 50 Games to Play in the Library or Classroom by Carol K. Lee and Fay Edwards published in 1988 by Alleyside Press. I believe it was distributed through UpStart for a time.

The book provides a list of questions which I adapted to update for today’s student and to match my library. The class is divided into teams and take turns answering the questions. The have to choose the correct shape – which have the answers written on them. Under each shape is a point value. I try to encourage the students to pick a shape answer that has not been chosen before so that they get a variety of point values. I have found this game to be a great way to reinforce book parts.

I laminated by poster board and then taped on the shapes. On the back I taped a gallon-sized zip bag which holds the question sheet. I can easily take it out while we play the game. I have a wire book rack. I use binder clips to attach the poster board to the shelves while we play.

50 Games to Play in Library or Classroom is out of print but a used copy may be available from Amazon. Thanks for using my affiliate link which helps to support this school library blog.

What kind of library games do you play?

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