Today I am sharing an interview with author Lauren Reeves. This author interview was originally shared as part of a blog tour on Library Lady’s Kid Lit.

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About the Author – Lauren Reeves

Lauren Reeves loves to encourage the heart of a person into a deeper walk with Christ. She believes the mind informs the heart, so offering resources that are engaging and fascinating is necessary. Bible literacy ranks as one of the biggest ways she wants to influence the body of Christ, and she has an extraordinary gift for explaining intimidating theological ideas in easy-to-understand ways that keep a reader wanting more.
She is the co-host of Joy for the Journey Podcast with Tammy Whitehurst ( and loves teaching God’s word, songwriting, and leading people into worship. She is currently completing her master’s degree in Christian apologetics from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. She holds a bachelor of arts degree in religion from Baylor University. Lauren and her family live on a ranch in Texas. Learn more at
More from Lauren Reeves
Why did I write this book? Because I’ve often been told that learning and understanding Genesis is the foundation for the rest of the Bible. Much of the Christian worldview can be found there, which effects our decision making. But Genesis not only lays the foundation for the rest of the Bible, it is closely linked with Revelation, the last book in the Bible. Just about every time I’ve asked a Bible study group what they would like to learn about next, one of the number one answers was always “Revelation” or “End Times Events.” Even though for years people have been hungry to learn more about Revelation, most Christians and churches try to steer clear of this subject because the end times plan can be intimidating and is not 100 percent clear from Jesus’s revelation to John in that book. Since differing opinions often cause dissension, people understandably avoid areas of the Bible that aren’t absolutely clear. However, I believe those words would not have been given to us to read if we were supposed to avoid studying them. For that reason, I’ve taken the risk and written a book on Genesis that ties Genesis and Revelation together helping us to understand the end times plan more clearly. One thing I hope is clear in my book, though, is you don’t have to agree with my interpretation of end times events to glean great truths and a greater understanding of the Bible through my book. One stance had to be taken to talk about the subject in detail, but truly, if a reader does not agree with my stance, it’s not a big deal. There’s way more to the book than that. The goal was to make us all think on and around Genesis and Revelation to help us study it and have opportunity for the Holy Spirit to reveal truths to us through the Word. I hope other books are written from different end times stances so we can read and study from a different angle. The more we read from different angles, the more we grow in knowledge and understanding. It is my belief that being certain that there IS an end times plan is what helps anchor the hope of Christ firmly in our souls. If we don’t have a forward view, it is so easy to get stuck in the tunnel vision of the here and now, which can often appear hopeless. So, now more than ever before, Christians need to be studying the first book of the Bible to know what we believe and the last book of the Bible to know that there is an end times plan that is sure and wonderful. I hope this book stirs your soul in a unique way. It is deep, yet devotional. I really believe it is a book for today.
Visit Lauren Reeves on Amazon.
An Interview with Lauren Reeves
When did you first know you wanted to be an author?
I think I’m still not sure what I want to be! Ha! I don’t really like labels because one thing I know about God is when I try to put him in a box, he always seems to find a way out! Even though you have to label yourself in this industry, my identity isn’t there. I’m just Lauren who writes sometimes, and leads worship sometimes, and speaks and teaches sometimes. I’m sure as time goes on and God grows me in new ways, there will be other labels attached to me. So I don’t really know that I ever wanted to be an author. I just had a desire that kept growing in me to teach God’s Word, and sometimes the best way to explain the deeper things is through writing. I began to feel this desire when Jesus first came alive to my heart as a freshman in high school. I think the timing of that is significant. But I also saw him bring a new desire to lead worship and teach very close to my salvation experience. So I guess I just want to be whatever He asks me to do next. Besides, if try any one of these things on my own without his calling, it may be good writing or teaching, but it won’t be deeply effective in a person spiritually. The Holy Spirit does that through our Spirit-led work. So I need to just follow his calling in each thing in each new season.
When you are not writing, what other hats do you wear? What do you do for fun?
I love music. So when I have extra time, you can often see me sitting with my guitar or keyboard writing a song or playing worship music. I also love animals and doing anything in nature. My husband is just about the funniest person on the planet, so my first go-to is usually doing something with him. He’s my daily dose of laughter, unless I’m in a bad mood. Then I’m just crabby and think nothing he does is funny! Ha! True story.
What is your favorite genre to read? What about that genre draws you?
Definitely non-fiction Christian. I actually don’t enjoy just reading for pleasure. When I sit down to read, I want to be learning something. I’m a super curious person by nature. I find myself wanting to know about all kinds of random stuff. My husband and friends laugh at me when I offer up some random fact and they realize I actually took time to learn about it…thoroughly!
What is your favorite holiday? And why?
Definitely Christmas because I love seeing people come together and selflessly buy for kids on angel trees. I love seeing the lights and decorations on neighborhood houses. I love how many Christmas parties and events there are during that time of year. And I love hearing Christmas songs playing in the stores and radio stations. People hear about Christ more this time of year than probably any other, even if it’s only subtly. I love that the whole holiday of Christmas is centered around Jesus, and the majority of the nation still celebrates it!
What historical figure do you admire and why?
Mother Teresa because of her absolutely selfless love. There were probably more times than not when she was sad and lonely, but she kept going so the unlovable could feel love and care. I watched a documentary about her one time and she seemed like a troubled soul at times, but she didn’t like that lead her to a life of pleasure or selfishness. She lived her life for God and to share his love with the unlovable. I think that’s beautiful.
In a library or bookstore – what section do you head to first?
Either the poetry section, theology section, or Christian non-fiction section. Those are my three loves in books.
What in your background brought you to the writing of this book?
Since I became a Christian in high school rather than as a child, I had a lot of questions. I found that most Christians were unable to answer my questions, so I learned to search out the answers myself. I began to read the Bible from cover to cover and then joined every Bible study I could. I took Bible classes and read theology books. I ended up finding answers to the questions that troubled me and I ended up even finding answers for the skeptics who would want to know answers to some of the tough questions as well. I’ve often thought to myself where I would be if I wasn’t the sort of knowledge nerd I am. A lot of people do not enjoy seeking out answers when they have a question. They just prefer someone to tell them. So I decided to write a book that would help everyone understand the Bible better. They say Genesis is the foundation for understanding the rest of the Bible, so I started there. When I realized Genesis and Revelation tip their hat to one another on many many occasions, it felt significant. I remembered the countless times when I’ve asked groups I was teaching what they would like to learn about next. Almost every time I’ve asked this question, the number one answer was that they would like to learn about “Revelation” and “end times events.” So writing Forgotten Faith just felt like the perfect mix of what was needed and wanted in our American Christian society.
What research did you do for this book?
Well, seminary of course, but I read the books of Genesis and Revelation many times and read commentaries on each. I read a ton of books and listened to a ton of teachings and podcasts pertaining to certain topics in the book. I accumulated things I learned for years. I don’t think I realized I was learning each thing for a book one day. I was just learning it because it was interesting. But when I began to write Forgotten Faith, pieces from several years’ worth of learning just came together into one book somehow. It was really a God thing.
If readers have just one take-away from this book, what do you want it to be?
I want them to begin to have a grasp on what they believe and why, and I want them to gain a certainty that there is a perfect and certain end times plan that offers hope to us even now.
What is your current WIP? What can you tell us about it?
I’m not certain just yet, but I’ve been pondering on a book that could include some of the meaningful things I have learned through a very tough year of loss. There has been so much death in our family this year (animals and people), but God has been faithful to be present and personal through each loss. There has been a lesson and the Father’s compassion and love in each one. I’d like to weave some of those things into a book somehow one day, but I’m not that far along yet. So, we’ll see!
Because I am a K-12 school librarian I have to ask – what is your favorite children’s book?
I remember LOVING Shel Silverstein books growing up. I also loved Dr. Seuss books. I guess I had a thing for rhyming even then! Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein is a classic to me!
When I was a school librarian I would organize a Young Authors Day every year for the kids at our school. What advice would you give to a child who wants to be a writer?
If you feel that desire to write, start cultivating that gift now! I have written so many pieces of poetry and pages of books that will never be shared to the public. Writing is something that takes practice to be really good. I’m still not there, but I know that every year I take time to practice writing blogs, devotionals, poetry, and journals, I get better. If someone were to go through my personal writings, I am convinced they could lay them out very close to the order they were written in. Making your thoughts get on paper like you feel them or think them can certainly be a special gift but even gifts have to be polished. The more creative writing you do now that is meaningful to you, the better you will be quicker. If you have a desire to write, don’t ignore it. Writing is a powerful tool that can be used in so many different ways. It’s exciting to me when I hear of kids who want to write! I love that!
Thank you, Laura for taking time to answer my questions. My readers always enjoy getting to know the author behind the books.
Read more author interviews.
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