Today’s Meet the Author is an interview with author Beth Troy. This author interview was originally shared as part of a blog tour on Library Lady’s Kid Lit.

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Beth Troy is a writer and educator who teaches courses in Creativity & Innovation and Women & Entrepreneurship at Miami University. Her first novel, Lu, is a modern woman’s journey back to her family, her faith, and herself. Beth will be publishing the sequel in Summer 2020.
Beth lives in Ohio with her husband and three sons. Go to her site or follow her on Instagram to read more about her life and writing.
CONNECT WITH BETH: Website | Instagram | Amazon
An Interview with Beth Troy
When did you first know you wanted to be an author?
Pretty early days, and it sprang from that natural place of enjoying reading growing up. Books filled my days, and it made sense that if I was going to do much of anything, I’d want to do a whole lot of that. I didn’t know the story I would write until I was in my mid-20s, though.
When you are not writing, what other hats do you wear? What do you do for fun?
I’m a mom to three young boys, so they fill my days – especially in quarantine when I took on homeschooling, too. I’m also a college professor and teach Creativity + Innovation and Women in Entrepreneurship courses at Miami University. Any time beyond that is for hiking, cooking, and reading.
What is your favorite genre to read? What about that genre draws you?
I like character-driven fiction in any genre. I’m not much for thick plots with intrigue and dramatics twists and turns because they stress me out. I usually also have some non-fiction reads mixed in, which is my form of continuing education. Right now, this looks like marketing and homeschooling books.
What is your favorite holiday? And why?
The Fourth of July! We live in a small town that hosts a fantastic community event with fireworks, and it makes for a timeless Americana sort of day.
What historical figure do you admire and why?
Women on the home front. My Master’s degree is in history, and I’ve always been drawn to the women behind big historical events. I’d much rather read about a how a woman kept her household running during the Civil War than any of the battles.
Which character did you enjoy writing most?
More than any character, I enjoyed characters’ interchanges. It was fun to write the heckling dynamic between Lu and her older brother, Ted. I knew I wanted Lu to have a best friend, and the scenes between Gracie and Lu are some of my favorite … so much so that I put a lot more of them in the sequel. And then of course, there’s Lu and Jackson. How do you create chemistry that pops without relying on physical touch? That made for a fun problem to solve as a writer.
Because I am a K-12 school librarian I have to ask – what is your favorite children’s book?
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I have read it so.many.times, and I uncover new things with every reading. Now that I’m writing it down, I’m thinking it’s time for another re-read.
Every year I organize a Young Authors Day for the kids at our school. What advice would you give to a child who wants to be a writer?
Start writing right now because writing is like any other skill – the sooner you start and the more you do it, the better you get.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I love learning more about the author behind the books.
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