Library Lady

Meet Heidi McCahan

This interview was originally part of the Prism Book Tour.

About the Author

Heidi secretly dreamed of writing a book for most of her childhood, but a particularly painful rejection letter in middle school convinced her to tuck that dream away. Instead, she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Medicine from Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington and a Master’s Degree in Athletic Training from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. After a brief career as a Certified Athletic Trainer, Heidi married her husband Steve, then she dusted off her big dream of becoming a published author and launched her first contemporary romance into the world in 2014. A huge fan of coffee, dark chocolate, and happily ever after, Heidi currently lives in North Carolina with Steve, three active boys and one amazing Goldendoodle.


Meet Heidi

Thank you for joining us Heidi and answering a few questions. It is always great to get to know authors a little better.

When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

When I was a little girl, not quite ready for school yet, I was captivated by stories and the joy of listening to my mother or grandmother read to me. Then my older sister came home from school with a book she’d made and I desperately wanted to make a book too. So I did and I still have that masterpiece today. That’s when the longing to be a storyteller began.

What is your favorite holiday? And why?

Christmas is my favorite. I love the message of hope that the birth of Jesus offers to a hurting world, the music, the decorations, the gifts, the cookies … pretty much everything about Christmas is my favorite. Except for the cleaning up. Ha! That part I really don’t enjoy at all.

In a library or a bookstore – what section do you head to first?

The new releases always grab my attention in a bookstore. Our library always has a clever display featured front and center and I usually stop there first. Basically I can’t walk past an interesting arrangement of books without stopping to explore my options.

Who did you have in mind as you wrote the book?

Sweet Melody is for fans of inspirational romance who enjoy reading about flawed characters who are wrestling with disappointment and failure. Yes, this is a romance, but it is also about God’s love for us and reminds us that when He looks at us, He does not see failure.

Because I am a K-12 school librarian I have to ask – what is your favorite children’s book?

As a child, my favorite book was The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton. Now that I have kids and I’ve read a lot of children’s books, my current favorite is What Do You Do with an Idea by Kobi Yamada.

Every year I organize a Young Authors Day for the kids at our school. What advice would you give to a child who wants to be a writer?

My best advice for writers of any age is to become a voracious reader because reading teaches us how to structure our own stories and develop our own characters and settings. Also, get in the habit of exercising your creativity: if you feel stuck or frustrated with your writing, try drawing, painting, sewing, gardening, etc. It’s amazing how another form of creativity will fill up your well and inspire you.

Her book Sweet Melody: A Seabrook Romance is available from Amazon. When you find a something on Library Lady that you would like to purchase, I hope you will use the purchase links provided. When you make a purchase through our affiliate links, you support this school librarian blog. I am grateful for you. Thank you!

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