Maker Mania 1
2.5 hours
Cost $17 (I will charge more next time to better cover supply costs)
For my Maker Mania days I have a number of stations set up for the students. Because not all students arrive at the same time, I may have something like a Marble Run Set
out for the kids to play with until I can explain the stations. When it is time to start, I explain each of the stations. Instructions and supplies specific to the project are found at the station. I will also have a general supply table for those supplies that are needed for several of the projects. My roll then becomes that of helper – I wander from station to station helping where needed and taking lots of pictures. I place the photos in a Google Album which I later share with the parents. I always try to have at least one additional adult and maybe some high school students to help with the projects.
I have included Amazon Affiliate links to many of the items mentioned in this post but you may already have some of them on hand or be able to find them at your local Dollar Store.
Station 1 – Paper Crafts: Origami, Paper Airplanes, Rubber Stamping
Materials: origami books, origami paper, paper airplane books, scrap paper, card stock in different sizes and shapes, rubber stamps, stamp pads in different colors, hole punches, fancy scissors
Origami for Kids Paper Airplanes for Kids
Rubber Stamping Supplies
Station 2 – Duct Tape projects
Materials: Materials: project books, duct tape, art supplies, paper clips, cotton swabs, material scraps, cardboard, foil
Tape It & Make It by Richela Morgan. Barron’s, 2012.
Tape It & Make It More by Richela Morgan. Barrons’, 2013
Station 3 – Engineering
Materials: thin cardboard, small toy cars, bendable drinking straws, string, paper clips, tape, hot glue, golf tees, board (approx. 1”x3”x10”)
Project instructions taken from:
– Building Bridges (Young Engineers) by Tammy Enz Capstone, 2017. P. 10 – Suspension Bridge
– Super Simple Aircraft Projects: Inspiring & Educational Science Activities (Amazing Super Simple Inventions) by Alex Kuskowski. Abdo Publishing, 2016. P. 18 – Paper airplane Catapult
Station 4 – Electricity and Circuits
Materials: Gadgets & Gizmos Electronics Science Kit, D batteries, wire, miniature bulbs (3.8v, 0.2A), coated copper wire, pliers, scissors, ruler, iron nails D batteries, electrical tape, safety pins
Use the batteries, wire and light bulbs to create circuits.
Project instructions taken from:
–Super Simple Telegraph Projects: Inspiring & Educational Science Activities (Amazing Super Simple Inventions) by Alex Kuskowski. Abdo Publishing, 2016. P.18 – Electric Magnet
Station 5 – Vibrobots
Materials: vibrating motors, 3V small coin cell batteries, foam tape, plastic gumball machine capsules
Project instructions taken from:
–Making Simple Robots: Exploring Cutting-Edge Robotics with Everyday Stuff by Kathy Ceceri. Sebastopol, CA: Maker Media, 2015. p. 73
Station 6 – Glow in the Dark Jars
Materials: recycled glass jars, glow in the dark paint, paint brushes
Materials List:
Origami paper | Golf Tees |
Foam Tape |
Stamp pads | D Batteries |
Glow in the Dark Paint |
Rubber stamps | Mini Lamps 3.8v, 0.2A – Pack of 10 Miniature Bulbs |
Wire Cutters/Stripper |
Paper Punch |
coated copper wire |
Paint Brushes |
Stanley 84-097 6-Inch Slip Joint Plier |
Fancy Scissors |
Paper Clips |
Iron Nails |
Aluminum Foil |
Electrical Tape ASSORTED COLORS |
Recycled items: |
Small Toy Cars |
Assorted Safety Pins |
Scrap paper |
Plastic Drinking Straws |
DC 3V Cell Phone Coin Flat Vibrating Vibration Mini Motor |
Glass jars |
String |
Sony CR2032 Lithium Coin Cell 3V 20 Pcs |
Cardboard |
Invisible Tape |
Empty Acorn Capsules |
General Craft Supplies |
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