Library Lady

January Birthdays

Every month I post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos may be familiar with or should be.

Here are some famous birthdays for January 2020:

January Birthdays are taken from and a calendar from Perma Bound. Since some of these “famous” people may be lesser known to your students, the display could be tied to a trivia contest

1 Paul Revere

1 Betsy Ross

2 Isaac Asimov

2 Crosby Bonsall

3 J.R.R. Tolkein

4 Jacob Grimm

4 Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

5 Lynn Cherry

6 Carl Sandburg

6 Joan of Arc

7 Millard Fillmore

9 Stephen Hawking

9 Clyde Robert Bulla

9 Richard Nixon

11 Brian Gloca

11 Alexander Hamilton

12 Clement Hurd

12 Jack London

12 Charles Perrault

14 Hugh Lofting

14 Benedict Arnold

15 Martin Luther King, Jr.

17 Janet Stevens

17 Benjamin Franklin

17 Al Capone

18 A.A. Milne

18 Peter Roget

18 Daniel Webster

19 Robert E Lee

19 Edgar Allan Poe

19 Pat Mora

20 Ted Arnold

20 Buzz Aldrin

21 Ethan Allen

21 Stonewall Jackson

22 Brian Wildsmith

23 John Hancock

25 Robert Boyle

26 Bessie Coleman

26 Shannon Hale

26 Douglas MacArthur

27 Lewis Carroll

27 Julius Lester

27 David Ezra Stein

27 Janice Van Cleve

27 Wolfgang Mozart

28 Vera Williams

29 Christopher Collier

29 Bill Peet

29 Rosemary Wells

29 William McKinley

30 Franklin Roosevelt

30 Lloyd Alexander

31 Denise Fleming

31 Bryan Collier

31 Gerald McDermot

31 Jackie Robinson

How many of these people do you know?

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