Library Lady

January 2019

january 2019

Each month our library displays a list of “national” events which occur during the month. This list includes monthly recognitions, weekly celebrations, wacky and crazy daily celebrations, as well as the birthdays of famous people and authors/illustrators. For our display, I also include the birthdays of our students and faculty.

Feel free to adapt the list below to meet your needs. If you want to look at other lists, I have used Holiday Insights and National Day Calendar as well as calendars I receive from publishers.

It is always fun to plan special events around some of the crazy/wacky days. I’d love to hear how you celebrate some of these days. Like this post and comment below.

Here is my list for January 2019.

Monthly Recognitions

National Bath Safety Month

National Blood Donor Month

National Braille Literacy Month

National Hobby Month

Hot Tea Month

National Oatmeal Month

National Soup Month

National Black Diamond Month

National Mentoring Month

National Menudo Month

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

National Slow Cooking Month

National Sunday Supper Month

Weekly Recognitions

Someday We’ll Laugh About This Week – January 1-7, 2018

National Pizza Week – January 7-13, 2018 (Second Week)

Letter Writing Week – January 14-20, 2018

No Name-Calling Week – January 15-19, 2018

National Activity Professionals Week – January 21-27, 2018

National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week – January 21-27, 2018

National CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists) Week – January 21-27 (Last Full Week)

Bald Eagle Appreciation Days – January 20-21, 2018

Clean Out Your Inbox Week – January 22-26 (Last Business Week)

National School Choice Week – January 21-27, 2018 (Last Week)

National Handwriting Analysis Week – January 21-27, 2018 (Week of John Hancock’s birthday on January 23)

Tax Identity Theft Week – January 29 – February 2

National Irish Coffee Week – January 21-27, 2018 (Fourth Week)

Catholic Schools Week – January 28 – February 2  (Begins the Last Sunday)

Meat Week – January 28 – February 4 (Begins the Last Sunday)

National Cowboy Poetry Gathering Week – January 29 – February 3, 2018

Daily Recognitions

1 New Year’s Day

2 National Science Fiction Day

2 National Buffet Day

2 National Cream Puff Day

2 Isaac Asimov’s birthday

Festival of Sleep Day

Fruitcake Toss Day

Humiliation Day

3 National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day

3 National Drinking Straw Day

3 J.R.R. Tolkein’s birthday

4 Isaac Newton’s Birthday

National Spaghetti Day

4 Jacob Grimm’s birthday

4 Phyllis Reynolds Naylor’s birthday

Trivia Day

National Bird Day

5 Lynne Cherry’s birthday

5 National Whipped Cream Day

5 National Screenwriters Day

5 George Washington Carver Recognition Day

Bean Day

Cuddle Up Day

6 National Shortbread Day

6 National Technology Day 

6 Vera Cleaver’s birthday

Feast of the Epiphany – Three Kings – date varies

Old Rock Day

Bubble Bath Day

8 National Argyle Day

8 National English Toffee Day

8 National Winter Skin Relief Day

8 Stephen Hawking’s birthday

9 National Apricot Day

9 National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

9 National Static Electricity Day

National Take the Stairs Day – second Wednesday of month

9 Clyde Bulla’s birthday

10 Bittersweet Chocolate Day

10 National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

10 National Save The Eagles Day

10 Houseplant Appreciation Day

10 Peculiar People Day

11 Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend’s Day

11 National Milk Day

11 National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

12 National Pharmacist Day

12 National Curried Chicken Day

12 National Marzipan Day

12 Clement Hurd’s birthday

12 Jack London’s birthday

12 Charles Perrault’s birthday

13 International Skeptics Day

13 National Sticker Day

13 National Rubber Ducky Day

13 National Peach Melba Day

13 Stephen Foster Memorial Day

13 National Sunday Supper Day

13 Make Your Dream Come True Day

14 Dress Up Your Pet Day

14 National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day

14 National Clean Off Your Desk Day

14 Hugh Lofting’s birthday

15 National Hat Day

15 National Strawberry Ice Cream Day

16 Appreciate a Dragon Day

16 National Religious Freedom Day

16 National Fig Newton Day

17 Ditch New Years Resolutions Day

17 Kid Inventors’ Day

18 Thesaurus Day

18 National Peking Duck Day  

18 National Thesaurus Day

18 Winnie the Pooh Day -The Birthday of Winnie’s author A.A. Milne

19 National Popcorn Day

19 World Quark Day

19 National Tin Can Day

19 Edgar Allan Poe’s birthday

19 Pat Mora’s birthday

20 Tedd Arnold’s birthday

20 National Buttercrunch Day

20 National Disc Jockey Day

20 National Cheese Lover Day

20 Penguin Awareness Day

21 Martin Luther King Jr. birthday , celebrated on the third Monday

21 National Hugging Day

21 National Granola Bar Day

21 Squirrel Appreciation Day

22 National Blonde Brownie Day

22 Brian Wildsmith’s birthday

23 National Pie Day

23 National Handwriting Day

23 Library Shelfie Day

23 Measure Your Feet Day– we only ask….”Why!?!”

24 National Peanut Butter Day

24 Compliment Day

25 Opposite Day

25 National Irish Coffee Day

25 National Big Wig Day

25 Robert Boyle’s birthday

26 Spouse’s Day

26 Shannon Hale’s birthday

26 Bessie Coleman’s Birthday

26 National Green Juice Day

26 National Peanut Brittle Day

26 National Seed Swap Day

27 Chocolate Cake Day

27 Punch the Clock Day

27 Lewis Carroll’s birthday

27 Julius Lester’s birthday

28 Vera B. Williams’ birthday

28 Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day – last Monday of month

28 Data Privacy Day

28 National Kazoo Day

28 National Blueberry Pancake Day

28 Fun at Work Day

29 National Puzzle Day

29 National Cornchip Day

29 Bill Peet’s birthday

29 Rosemary Wells’ birthday

30 Lloyd Alexander’s birthday

30 National Croissant Day

31 Backward Day

31 Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

31 Gerald McDermott’s birthday

31 Denise Fleming’s birthday


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