Library Lady

Iggy Peck, Architect Day

One of our activity days this past summer was an Iggy Peck, Architect Day – a 2 1/2 hour STEM class. The activities we did could easily be done as part of an after school activity. It was one of my summer fundraisers – I charged $15 per child.

We started our morning by reading the story Iggy Peck, Architect by Andrea Beaty and having a short discussion. What is an architect? What kind of jobs does an architect do? What kinds of buildings did Iggy build? What kind of materials did Iggy use to build his buildings?

Activity #1 – Marshmallow structures

Since one of the mediums Iggy uses for building is food, the first activity was to build structures using marshmallows and toothpicks. Gum drops could also be used in place of the marshmallows.

After completing their structures, we placed them on a table near the door, labeled so they were ready to take home.

Activity #2 – Graham Cracker Structures

Another food construction – graham crackers and frosting using a Styrofoam plate as a base. I had one who is gluten sensitive so her mom provided gluten-free graham crackers. This activity was a little more challenging – getting graham crackers to cooperate when you want them on their side requires some balancing skills.

When they completed these structures, we labeled the plates and placed them by the door to take home.

Activity #3 – Scratch paper bridges

The assignment for Activity #3 was to take scratch paper and strong construct bridges. Bridges were placed between two stacks of books and tested with loose change to see how strong the bridge was. If their first design did not work, I allowed them to modify their design and try again.

Activity #4 – Paper and craft stick bridges

The next activity modified the previous one a bit. This time they could use construction paper and/or craft sticks to create a bridge that would span a dishpan.

The team who created the third bridge above, laminated construction paper to make a sturdy board-like paper bridge. Some of the teams “got” the concept, others did not, but all had fun.

Activity #5 –

We had a little time left so I gave the students the option of building with Legos, my Goobi set, or Keva Structures.

Most of the supplies needed for these activities can be purchased at Amazon. If you use my affiliate links below, it will not cost you any more but will help support this school librarian blog. Thank you.

Activity #1
Kraft Jet Puffed Mini Marshmallows, 10 oz (Pack of 3)
Gum Drops Jelly Candy, 2Lbs
Diamond Round Toothpicks, Pack of 250

Activity #2
Nabisco Honey Maid Graham Crackers, Honey 4-14.4oz
Betty Crocker, Ready-to-Serve, Soft Whipped Frosting, Fluffy White, 12-Ounce Tub (Pack of 3)
Crystalware Heavy Weight Plastic Knives 100/box, Clear
Hefty Supreme Plates (250 ct.)

Activity #3
scrap paper
books to stack

Activity #4
Karlash Jumbo craft sticks 6″ length (Pack of 100)
Elmer’s bundle Washable Liquid School Glue, White, Dries Clear, 4 fl oz Plus Disappearing Purple Elmer’s School Glue Stick, 6g, 2pk
Sterilite White 12Qt Dishpan
scrap paper

Activity #5
Goobi 37 (37 pieces) Magnetic Construction Set
MindWare KEVA Structures 200 Plank Set
LEGO Classic Large Creative Brick Box 10698

What kind of building activities have you done with students?

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