Library Lady

Favorite Books – November 2019

As you may know I have a book review blog. There are at least 25 posts each month – books I’ve read as part of book tours, books I’ve read to my students in the library, and books I have previewed for the library or the Land of Enchantment Award. There are also spotlights from books I haven’t read but you might be interested in, as well as some author interviews.

Once a month I share my favorite reads from the previous month. If you don’t have time to read all my reviews in a month – this post will alert you to my favorites, ones you may want to add to your collection.  Each book is linked to my review post on Library Lady’s Kid Lit at There is also an Amazon Affiliate link for each book should you want to purchase the book and help support this blog – it will not cost you any more to do so.


Anderson, Laurie Halse. Thank you, SarahIllustrated by Matt Faulkner. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks, 2002. Available on Amazon

Gerber, Carole. The Gifts of the Animals. Illustrated by Yumi Shimokawara. Sanger, CA: Familius, 2019.  Available on Amazon

Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. Why? New York: Neal Porter Books, 2019. Available on Amazon

Stein, David Ezra. Hush, Little BunnyNew York: Balzer + Bray, 2019. Available on Amazon

Young Adult

Armstrong, Brett. The Gathering DarkBenton, KY: Mantle Rock Publishing, 2019. Available on Amazon

Carr, Patrick W. The End of the MagiNP: Bethany House Publishers, 2019. Available on Amazon

Habib, Ammar. The Heart of AleppoNP: Create Space, 2018. Available on Amazon

Swender, Jennifer. Solving for MIllustrations by Jennifer Naalchigar. New York: Crown Books for Young Readers, 2019. Available on Amazon


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