Library Lady

Favorite Books – June 2019

As you may know I have a book review blog. There are at least 25 posts each month – books I’ve read as part of book tours, books I’ve read to my students in the library, and books I have previewed for the library or the Land of Enchantment Award. There are also spotlights from books I haven’t read but you might be interested in as well as some author interviews.

Once a month I share my favorite reads from the previous month. If you don’t have time to read all my reviews in a month – this post will alert you to my favorites, ones you may want to add to your collection. Each book is linked to my review post at


Homzie, Hillary. Ellie May on President’s Day. Illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbler. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc., 2018. – mid elementary

Cusolito, Michelle. Flying Deep: Climb Inside Deep-Sea Submersible ALVINIllustrated by Nicole Wong.  Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc.,2018 – non fiction picture book

Ashman, Linda. Outside My WindowIllustrated by Jamey Christoph. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2018.

Grady, Cynthia. Write to Me: Letters from Japanese American Children to the Librarian they Left Behind. Illustrated by Amiko Hirao. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc., 2018. – picture book biography

Young Adult / Adult

Rehl, Austin. Guardian of the Sunshine Bride. NP: Lock 10 Press, 2019. – fantasy, Young Adult

Spinelli, Eileen. BirdieGrand Rapids, MI: Eerdman’s Books for Young Readers, 2019. – middle school novel in verse

Behrens, Rebecca. The Last Grand Adventure. New York: AladdinBooks, 2018. middle school

White, Roseanna. The Number of Love. Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2019. – World War II – high school and adult

When you find a book on Library Lady that you would like to purchase, I hope you will use the purchase links provided. When you make a purchase through our affiliate links below, you support this school librarian blog. I am grateful for you. Thank you!

Ellie May on Presidents’ Day

Outside My Window

Write to Me: Letters from Japanese American Children to the Librarian They Left Behind

Flying Deep: Climb Inside Deep-Sea Submersible Alvin

Guardian of the Sunshine Bride (Sīhalt Series)

The Last Grand Adventure


Number of Love (The Codebreakers)

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