September Birthdays

When I was a school librarian, I’d post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos might have been familiar with or should be. Some of you are back in… More September Birthdays

March Birthdays

Every month I post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos may be familiar with or should be. Here are some famous birthdays for March 2020: February Birthdays are… More March Birthdays

February Birthdays

Every month I post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos may be familiar with or should be. Here are some famous birthdays for February 2020: February Birthdays are… More February Birthdays

January Birthdays

Every month I post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos may be familiar with or should be. Here are some famous birthdays for January 2020: January Birthdays are… More January Birthdays

December Birthdays

Every month I post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos may be familiar with or should be. Since many schools are shut down next week for Thanksgiving break,… More December Birthdays

November Birthdays

Every month I post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos may be familiar with. Here are the famous birthdays for November 2019: Janell Cannon – author – 11/3… More November Birthdays

October Birthdays

Every month I post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos may be familiar with. Here is the list for October 2019: 10/3 Natalie Savage Carlson, author 10/3 James… More October Birthdays