First Week!

Whew! Have you had your first week with the kiddos yet? Last week was my first week. The first week is all about student training. For the littles (K-2) I have to teach them: -how to come in to the library -where to sit -how to behave -how and where to look for books -how… More First Week!

Why I Still Dewey

In this age when you hear a lot about genrefication in school libraries, I have contemplated whether or not it is a good idea for my school. In explaining my position I hope I do not upset those who have chosen a different path. If you have your library organized by genres, I hope that… More Why I Still Dewey

Story time: Syd Hoff

Our Syd Hoff story time used the following books: Danny and the Dinosaur Duncan the Dancing Duck Julius Sammy, the Seal I planned the activities for this story time during the school year so that I could have my student aides do the cutting for me ahead of time. I planned at least one activity… More Story time: Syd Hoff

Guide Word Sort Game

I have been asked if teaching Guide Word strategies is still relevant.  I believe that it is. While most people now use online dictionaries and encyclopedias, they do still use books which have and index or glossary in the back. It is important for students to have the skills necessary to find the information they… More Guide Word Sort Game

Story Time – Ice Cream

Our Ice Cream story time included: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle Curious George Goes to an Ice Cream Shop by Margaret Rey Ice Cream Cows and Mitten Sheep by Jane Belk Moncure Should I Share my Ice Cream? by Mo Willems Other possible titles (which I don’t have in my library): Curious George and the Ice Cream… More Story Time – Ice Cream

Up and Away with Books

An important skill for research is being able to find the information you need for your bibliography. I begin teaching book terms like: title, author, illustrator, publisher, place of publication, and copyright at a young age. By the time they are near the end of first grade, I expect them to be able to find… More Up and Away with Books

Rainbow Story Time

One of my story time themes last summer was Rainbows. I chose three books from our school library and planned a variety of activities. My story time was open to PreK – entering second grade kiddos and lasted 90 minutes. I had mostly kinder kids attend. We read A Rainbow of my Own by Don Freeman, All the… More Rainbow Story Time

Shape Up Game

I try to make learning library skills fun for the students. They are only with me 40 minutes a week and I don’t always want to be a lecture/worksheet machine. I want learning to be fun. I found that the students enjoy this game and ask to play it again and again. I found this… More Shape Up Game