March is…

The wind tells me March has arrived. We like to display a list of “national” events which occur during the month. This list includes monthly recognitions, weekly celebrations, wacky and crazy daily celebrations. Watch for a list of birthdays in a couple of days. Feel free to adapt the list below to meet your needs.… More March is…

February Birthdays

Every month I post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos may be familiar with or should be. Here are some famous birthdays for February 2020: February Birthdays are… More February Birthdays

February is…

It is hard to believe it is almost February. We like to display a list of “national” events which occur during the month. This list includes monthly recognitions, weekly celebrations, wacky and crazy daily celebrations. Watch for a list of birthdays in a couple of days. Feel free to adapt the list below to meet… More February is…

Our winner is….

Last fall I taught my annual Animoto lesson where my students create Animoto videos advertising their choice for the Caldecott Award. I pull books from my collection as well as books from the public library that meet the criteria. *This post contains Amazon affilate links. This year the students chose the following books for their… More Our winner is….

January Birthdays

Every month I post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos may be familiar with or should be. Here are some famous birthdays for January 2020: January Birthdays are… More January Birthdays

January 2020

We like to display a list of “national” events which occur during the month. This list includes monthly recognitions, weekly celebrations, wacky and crazy daily celebrations. Watch for a list of birthdays in a couple of days. Feel free to adapt the list below to meet your needs. If you want to look at other… More January 2020

Merry Christmas

I hope you have a great day with family and friends around you. Merry Christmas, from my family to yours! Library Lady Jane