September 2020

It has been a while since I posted a monthly wacky days list (or any post for that matter). Just before COVID hit I had made the decision to retire from the school library due to health issues. The shutdown months were used prepping the school library and my plans and writing a librarian handbook… More September 2020

More Books for Poetry Month

Here are some more poetry books I have in our school library. I have not reviewed these books but my teachers have found them to be useful. Hope you find something you like. An Arkful of Animals. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1978. Dickinson, Emily. I’m Nobody! Who are you? : poems of Emily Dickinson for children. Owings… More More Books for Poetry Month

Books for Poetry Month

April is Poetry Month. I wanted to share some poetry books with you that I have previously reviewed on my review blog – Library Lady’s Kid Lit.   ABC Animal Jamboree Animal Ark Birdie Cricket in the Thicket Drum Dream Girl Finding My Place in Space Fry Bread The Giving Tree Homerun, Touchdown, Basket, Goal!… More Books for Poetry Month

April 2020

Chances are pretty good that as April begins you have limited library usage at best due to the COVID-19 crisis. Hopefully that will change soon. We like to display a list of “national” events which occur during the month at our library. This list includes monthly recognitions, weekly celebrations, wacky and crazy daily celebrations. Watch… More April 2020

Comparing Picture Books to Movies – an assignment for time off

With so many students out of school right now and teachers scrambling to continue the education process or parents looking for things to keep their children engaged – here’s an idea that may be fairly easy to implement. Have your children read picture books and then watch the movie about that book and write a… More Comparing Picture Books to Movies – an assignment for time off

March Birthdays

Every month I post the birthdays of our students, faculty and staff in the window between the library and the school hallway. I also try to include the birthdays of authors, illustrators and famous people the kiddos may be familiar with or should be. Here are some famous birthdays for March 2020: February Birthdays are… More March Birthdays