This post was first part of a blog tour hosted by Reveries Co. You can find the original post with links to reviews of the book here.

Lisa Ren’ee is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Omega Writers, Australia. With an Australian theme, she wrote the Single Again series featuring More Than a Second Chance and Acres of Promise, to encourage women to heal past wounds and to dare trust again. Lisa adores babies enough to have seven of her own. Recently, Lisa has taken up breeding Ragdoll cats instead of breeding humans. The tribe lives in Australia, where Lisa and her husband enjoy their writing projects, public speaking, and are on the pastoral team at their church
I’m excited to welcome Lisa Renee to my blog today.
When did you first know you wanted to be an author?
As a young adult, I envisaged that one day I’d write non-fiction books, but I surprised myself when I wrote my first Christian novel two years ago.
When you are not writing, what other hats do you wear? What do you do for fun?
I make organic nutritional products, breed ragdoll cats, help with marketing for our church play center and café, oh and did I tell you I have seven children, so you can imagine I wear a lot of hats.
What is your favorite genre to read? What about that genre draws you?
I enjoy reading historical fiction as it’s a completely different way of life and speech. However, I’m so glad I don’t live in those times, especially as a woman.
Where did the inspiration for this story come from?
More Than A Second Chance is based on a true story. I was inspired to share “Cassie’s” determination to help others although she’d been through so much disappointment and tragedy in her life. She’s an amazing woman and I thought she deserved a happy ending—that part is fictional and yet to come to pass in real life.
Describe your book in 5 adjectives
Witty, romantic, challenging, thought-provoking, and inspirational.
Because I am a K-12 school librarian I have to ask – what is your favorite children’s book?
I’ve recently read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to my children. That’s a lot of fun and so much better than the movie versions.
Every year I organize a Young Authors Day for the kids at our school. What advice would you give to a child who wants to be a writer?
As you read novel after novel, you’ll subconsciously learn how to write. When you become serious about a career in writing, you can give yourself to learning the craft by studying “how-to” books, and fine tune your style to a professional level. The first draft will require plenty of polishing, so be patient. You can do it if you set your mind to the task and don’t give up.
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