Library Lady

Art Mania 1

Art Mania 1

2.5 hours

Cost $17

One of the STEAM based fundraisers we did this past summer was an Art Mania.

1 – Color Wheel and Shading

Read Mix it Up by Hervé Tullet – Color wheel/mixing colors


-draw 6 squares on card stock

-using tempera paint, paint the different colors of the color wheel (red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple

-cut the primary into squares (red, yellow, blue). Cut the secondary colors into triangles (orange, green, purple)

How to shade 

Keith Haring – see for ideas


-Give each student a copy of Keith Haring action figures. We used a Keith Haring Coloring book.

-color each figure a different shade of one color – getting progressively lighter

2 – Painting what they hear in a song

Show I See a Song wordless book by Eric Carle (which I have reviewed on Library Lady’s Kid Lit), play YouTube video

Read Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae (which I have reviewed on Library Lady’s Kid Lit) – Everyone hears sees things differently so what you do will be different from the other and that is okay.

Play orchestra pieces and have the students paint what they hear.

3 – Water coloring w/ salt


-Paint a scene with water colors

-while still wet, sprinkle painting with salt

4 – Origami

Read Paper Crane by Molly Bang (which I have reviewed on Library Lady’s Kid Lit).

Make origami figures.

5 – Suessical drawing

Read Oh The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss.

Draw vertical curved lines, then draw rounded horizontal lines within two curvy lines. Color the alternating lines.


-draw vertical curvy lines

-draw rounded horizontal lines within two curvy lines

-color alternating lines

6 – End of Day

We had a little extra time and some extra poured paint so we grabbed  big piece of butcher paper and let the kids paint a group picture. This picture was hung in the hall for back-to-school night.

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Supplies: (Amazon affiliate links)

tempera paint


card stock

construction paper

Sharpie Markers


water colors

water color paper


origami paper

colored pencils

paint brushes

Books: (Amazon affiliate links)

Mix It Up (Interactive Books for Toddlers, Learning Colors for Toddlers, Preschool and Kindergarten Reading Books)

The Keith Haring Coloring Book

I See a Song (Blue Ribbon Book)

Giles Andreae: Giraffes Can’t Dance (Hardcover); 2012 Edition

The Paper Crane (Reading Rainbow Book)

Oh, the Places You’ll Go!  

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